Enrollment & Registration Office

Welcome to the Maple Heights City School District. Our school district has a Centralized Enrollment Office that assists families and students with the following: 

  • Registration/Enrollment in the district

  • Address Changes 

  • Student Custodial and Legal Changes

  • Withdrawal Process 

  • Mckinney Vento  - Click here for additional information if you are experiencing homelessness (see below):

    • Federal law defines students experiencing homelessness as children or youth lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. 

    This includes:  

    1. Individuals who have lost their own home, suffering financial hardship or similar reasons; 

    2. Individuals who are sharing the housing of others; 

    3. Individuals who are living in hotels or motels or in campgrounds or trailer parks that are not viewed as year-round homes because they do not have accommodations, such as heat or running water; 

    4. Individuals who are living in emergency shelters or who have been abandoned in hospitals

    5. Individuals who are living in cars, parks, or public spaces. 

Please contact Mark Curtis at mark.curtis@mapleschools.com or 614-587-6100 ext. 3700 if you meet the above criteria for Mckinney Vento.


You have a continuing duty to immediately inform the District of any changes of residence (including proof as required) and/or standing as to a legal custody (including the most recent court documents).

Parents are also required to notify the school office immediately of any changes in current home, work, emergency, and/or cell phone numbers. Updates can be done as needed throughout the school year as needed.  Additionally, at the start of each new school year, parents/guardians will be required to verify and/or update as necessary the contact information that we have on file for each of their students by logging into their FinalForms account.

If you are leaving Maple Heights City Schools to go to another school district, you will need to withdraw your child(ren) from our enrollment office.  Withdrawal forms will be in the lobby outside of the enrollment office to be completed.  Once complete, please press the buzzer to be let in to submit your form.  We are only allowing 1 person per family in the office to complete this process.  If at all possible, please do not bring children for these purposes.  At that time, you will be given a copy of the withdrawal form and school records to take to your child's new school.  You will need a photo ID.

Mr. Mark Curtis Director

Mr. Mark Curtis
Director of Enrollment and McKinney Vento (Homeless Liaison)
216-587-6100 Ext. 3700

Contact Information

Registration & Truancy Office
Maple Heights City Schools
5740 Lawn Avenue
Maple Heights, Ohio 44137
Phone: 216-587-6100
Fax: 216-518-2675

Sue Stephens
216-587-6100, Ext. 3701


To register/enroll your student in Maple Heights City Schools ensure that you follow the 3 steps outlined below:

number one

Review the important reminders and collect the following required documents:

Important Reminders:

Only parents, legal custodians, and/or legal guardians can register students in the district.

All documents required MUST be uploaded into your Final Forms account.

All kindergarten students MUST have their fifth birthday on or before September 30 to enter kindergarten. 

The school district does not accept out-of-district open enrollment. A student must reside in the City of Maple Heights to attend school in our district.

Required Documents:

The student's birth certificate (the child must be 5 years old by 9/30 to enroll in kindergarten). Students who do not meet the age requirement, i.e., those born between August 2nd and December 31st of the coming school year, are eligible for an Early Entrance Evaluation (Link to page).

  1. Complete Immunization Records

  2. Custody Papers (a signed and certified copy, if applicable)

  3. Ohio Driver’s License or State ID 

  4. Withdrawal Form/Transfer Slip from your child's prior school

  5. Last Report Card (if applicable) 

  6. Unofficial Transcript (if available) 

  7. Current IEP/ETR or 504 plan (if applicable)

  8. Medical Exam Results (special needs, preschool only) 

  9. Proof of Residency - 3 current forms: 1 from Category I and 2 from Category II: 

  10. Category I (provide 1 item)

    • Home Owner's Mortgage Statement; 

    • Deed or Property Tax Statement; 

    • Valid and current Lease/Rental Agreement with parent/guardian's name. The signature page for a lease that includes the landlord's signature is also required.;

    • Owner Affidavit and Proof of Ownership (if applicable)

  11. Category II (provide 2 items)

    • Bank Statement (within 30-45 days of enrollment)

    • Utility Bill (within 30-45 days of enrollment)

      1. Gas

      2. Electric

      3. Water

    • Pay Stub (within 30-45 days of enrollment)

    • Home/Renter's Insurance Declaration;

    • County Benefit Voucher;

    • Other Official Documents as deemed acceptable by the District


Register your student using Final Forms.

Click the link for Final Forms and follow the directions detailed below to create an account and register/enroll your student.

Final Forms:

  1. Select "New Student Registration

  2. Enter your email address and a password to create a new account 

  3. Enter the student's full, legal name and birth date

  4. Follow the instructions and begin filling out the online form

  5. Please note: all fields marked "required" throughout the form must be filled out to complete registration. Use the menu on the left side of the screen to move between the different sections of the form.

  6. Read through the agreements and select "I agree" for each agreement to move forward. 

  7. Upload each required document (a scanned copy or a picture of each document). Once you have uploaded all the required documents in the correct place, click "next" at the bottom of the page. 

  8. Complete the electronic signature, confirming the information you have submitted is accurate. Click "next" to review the entire form. Any required fields that you have not completed will be displayed here. Click "edit" to complete any missed field. Press the submit button to complete the registration. A submission confirmation page will appear. From this page, you can begin to register another student.

  9. Please note: Separate registration is required for each student.


Schedule a time to come into the enrollment office for enrollment verification.

Click on the link for Calendly, and select a date and time to come into the enrollment office for verification.